We must not give into Muslim fundamentalists
Muslim fundamentalism is back with a vengeance. Armed with the latest grievances, they’re ready to exert their demands on the rest of society. If you try and negotiate with them, you’re playing a loser’s game.
Batley Grammar School is another example of how Islamists are Winning the Culture Wars
“The more battles Islamists win, the closer they get to moulding society into a culture that is both Islam friendly and Muslim focussed. If we don’t stand up to them, then we have capitulated to an unofficial blasphemy law”. #BatleyGrammarSchool
William Shawcross is being Cancelled: As a Muslim I will not sign the letter boycotting the review of Prevent
The signatories of this letter appear to be of the view that they have a right on who should not fulfil the role. They seem to believe their view trumps that of everyone else’s. That they are the gatekeepers, the ones who allow individuals to be let in and then cast all others aside.
Book Review – How ISIS Fights: Military Tactics in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Egypt by Omar Ashour
How ISIS Fights: Military Tactics in Iraq, Syria, Libya and Egypt is an expose of how ISIS – one of the deadliest terrorist groups in modern times – was able to use conventional military tactics, urban terrorism and guerrilla warfare to achieve the occupation of over 120 towns and villages from Liby…
Shamima Begum: Evidence Matters
Shamima Begum cannot return to the UK to fight the decision to deprive her of British citizenship made by the then Home Secretary Sajid Javid. The Supreme Court agreed with the assessment made by the
We need to talk about antisemitism in Islam
Antisemitism rears its ugly head once again. In July, prominent rapper Wiley – dubbed the ‘Godfather of Grime’ – engaged in reprehensible antisemitic tropes on Twitter and Instagram. In response, many in the Jewish community
The Ethnic Minority Test: Why Women Like Munira Mirza Are Doomed To Fail
Ethnic minorities like Munira Mirza are expected to take a test that they neither have a choice in, nor can they ever hope to pass. It is a lose-lose scenario. So, no matter how successful
Anti-Black Racism in Religious Communities: The Board of Deputies of British Jews takes its first step
The Board of Deputies of British Jews – a charity seeking to provide a voice to the British Jewish community – intends to form a ‘Commission on Racial Inclusivity’ led by Stephen Bush as a way to
Muslim Council of Britain: Why so defensive?
The Muslim Council of Britain is once again in the spotlight having being featured in a recent column on Spiked titled; Who does the Muslim Council of Britain speak for? Author and academic Dr Paul
Trevor Phillips: How the “victimhood mob” seek to control the narrative
The devastation caused by Covid-19 has been unprecedented. The global community have found themselves facing new challenges every day, whether it was resisting the urge to panic buy goods such as pasta and toilet roll
The Regressive Left in the Labour Party continues to abandon Jewish Communities
There were endless cheers since the defeat of Labour in the 2019 general election and the loudest of those came from Jewish communities – not because they wanted Labour to lose, but because they hoped
Covid-19 and how the Iranian Regime seeks to ‘punish the West’ by sacrificing its own people
There is perhaps nothing more important to unscrupulous extremist leaders in Muslim majority countries other than to attack the far enemy. For them, the West, and in particular America, is the epicenter of all evil.
ISIS Beatles’ Data – How Legal Technicalities Could Put National Security At Risk
The Supreme Court has ruled that the UK Government has acted unlawfully by handing over personal information of the colloquially dubbed “ISIS Beatles” to the US. The personal information shared, as well as other evidence,
The Myth of the British Muslim Voice and Scrapping Prevent
For many years there seems to have been a perception that Muslims in the U.K. were one big community tied by the bonds of faith, cultures, languages and a shared sense of community – coexisting
Takfir – The Salafi Ideology That Makes Everyone Fair Game
“No longer are kafir, Jews, Shia or western liberal democracy the only enemy, but now Muslims are too. Everyone is fair game and the concept of takfir has made this possible.” writes Wasiq a counter-terrorism
Shamima Begum: Losing Citizenship and the Morality of Law
It has been reported that Shamima Begum, now 20, has lost the first stage of her appeal against revoking her U.K. citizenship. Begum was stripped of her citizenship in February 2019 by the then Home
The Manchester Grooming Gang: They Ruled With Impunity And We Made Ourselves Powerless
Wasiq writes: “If social harmony is disrupted when the law is broken, then so be it. It is the job of the police and the local authority to deal with it, not to engineer a
The Anti-Imperialism of the Left Doesn’t Care About Victims, It Just Hates The West
The Death of Qasem Soleimani Poses A “Potential Increase In The Risk Of A Terrorist Attack With The UK” Says Jeremy Corbyn. This Anti-imperialist Stance Ignores The Victims Of Islamist Regimes. Background On the night of
De-Radicalising Terrorists: The Fight to Shape Public Attitudes Against Those Who Wish to Undermine it.
This is a guest post by Wasiq, an analyst specializing in counter-terrorism, law and academia Background: In an interview with the BBC’s Home affairs correspondent Dominic Casciani, forensic psychologist Christopher Dean conceded what many